Palin Asks Which Killed More Black People: Confederate Flag or Planned Parenthood?

First, I like how you arrogantly speak for all scientists and presume that all scientists are pro-choice who give no credibility to the pro-life movement with statements like this:

Also, we find it hard to give credibility to the conservative pro-life argument when all concern for that human life evaporates the second they're born.
Second, the above statement is a talking point and frankly utter nonsense. Because conservatives believe in personal responsibility and not rewarding poor behavior we must hate all children once they're born.
If you want to draw people to your side of the argument you need to stay consistent, which means no pushing for capital punishment, health care for none and abstinence-only education.
The above statement is even more nonsensical. If you think the death penalty is even remotely comparable to abortion then I don't know what to tell you. Health care for none? I'm sure you meant health insurance but i digress. Again, because we believe that people should be responsible for their own health insurance must mean that we want no one to have it. Your arguments aren't even arguments, they're talking points that have no basis in actual reality. Yes, our health insurance in the US has major issues. The solution to those issues is not having the government in charge of all of it.
There's a very strange logical gap between wanting as little abortion as possible (which I'm absolutely for), and not giving teens the tools/information to prevent unwanted pregnancies. I have a lot of conservative beliefs, but I find it difficult to identify as a conservative in today's political climate for these reasons.
I don't want as little abortion as possible, I want no abortion at all. What's the best way to achieve that? I don't know and neither does anyone else. I've seen studies that show that abstinence only can work as well as normal sexual education while handing out free condoms can work.

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