Paranormal beliefs taken to task with cold, hard logic. [Debunked], [Discuss]

What the heck is logical about remaining skeptical about a subject and never had any REAL experience with it. all you do is just have speculation, and theory, and assumptions, and ideas about how a certain thing works or operates, when in reality if you took a step outside your every day thinking paradigm and saw things from a different perceptive you'd the see world very differently, like a child like perspective, of no judgement.

you know, kind of like how you were before society beat you into thinking things of this nature don't exist and science is the answer to everything because, giving your power away to other people is thing to do... that's basically what you're doing when you remake remarks like that. You can't stand alone and have a belief on your own, you have to look to society to make the judgement call of if they say its real it's real.

Not you but the person i was talking to earlier clearly had problems in accepting the fact other things may exist.

don't see how you can still be in such a nazi defense mode against said things and lurk here, if you have internet you should go ahead and do yourself the favor of just looking up said topics/subjects and studying them yourself and maybe you'd learn about them, then you can practice and do certain experiments and find out if it actually works then you can confirm it's real to you.

Like I said if i told you a 300 years ago im going to invent electricity and light you'd call me freaking nuts. But they did that to Thomas Edison, dude failed over a thousand times or what ever.

he tried to make light back in the day and they thought he was off his rocker, SCIENCE or what ever and main stream society didn't even think that crap was possible, he was the laughing stock of the town or what ever. so same concept... The occult and paranormal may seem outrageous now but if it's truth or holds any amount of significance and is worth looking into it will prevail in the future with time and advancement of the average human perception towards such phenomena.

You don't believe in the paranormal I get it, but you throw logic and skepticism at everything, which is a bias point of view, if you just would accept the fact mainstream science isn't always the map of reality this is TRUTH, sorry this is causing cognitive dissonance for you.

Lol don't believe my bs I am full of crap as Grant Morrison would say. please go do the experiments yourself as I've given plenty, and if you're a hardcore explorer you know where to find the books to get the answers to these things.

the occult and magick is all about logical thinking, it's just applied to another subject that isn't really tangible to study except through certain practices, therefor logic is expanded into another spectrum of possibility beyond every day normal average joe type thinking but it makes sense to said individual because his truth is different then average joe, because this individual actually put in the work to experience what ever he thought was bs, but he then find out it was real because he actually did the work and got results. .

basically a lot of people here think like this. the supernatural doesn't exist, were all a bunch of monkeys on a space ship hurling through space and when yer ded yer freakin ded nada, nothing you see darkness, ghost are made up, demons and angels don't exist, yada yada. you already have skeptic embedded into your brain... don't even know why you're here honestly. you're in the what paranormal thread? this is for people who actively go out and seek ghost apparently or have had experiences dude if you go to HAUNTED house..i don't know with ghost, you'd freaking think you people would of got scratched, hurt, experienced dark or demonic type things and yeah.. people have, obviously not you lol. you'd think you'd be more open minded honestly if you're lurking here.

Im not saying believe everything I say but you should be at least be willing to put in effort to find out if this crap is true if you're going to hold such hard core science skeptical views on a topic and about things you know really next to nothing about.

but yeah logic is great, don't believe anything I say.

Just go do the experiments if you want to experience it for yourself, that's what should be important experiencing it yourself.Nagging others to give you proof wont ever make you happy cause you'll knit pick it and throw low balls saying its hallucinations, insanity, schizophrenia, drugs, delusions, lol you people could get slap'd in the face by Elvis Presley ghost himself and still be like na.. wind.

You refuse to expose yourself to the unknown, therfor super natural concepts are forbidden for you to even think of being possible. You've never experienced or been in a situation where you been forced to be like oh it is real. You guys just throw scientific terms and ideas at anything not science, which is great for average joe but your hanging out in the paranormal section buddy, may want to either A- do your home work and try to logically wrap your head around how this stuff may exist.

and then B- do a experiment where you can verify the existence of the paranormal safely.

and C - stop telling people to find logic, you guys need to pick up a book on something other then Carl Sagans Demon haunted world book, if you value science and logic in any ways you'd embrace the occult, all things that can be destroyed by truth should be.

that's how humanity evolves and pushes forward, but just a heads up with your attitude you'll never experience anything magical or super natural, you have to put yourself out there and want to experience it, want to know, and invest yourself those who show up get taught.

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