I do not know how many of you buy into mbti BUT any INFPs in Uoft?

Well for me it helps identify which are my weak parts. Like I said before. I am a rationalist so it makes sense. And it has honestly improved my life so much. I just fucking shut off when I have feelings that I think are stupid and I get angry. MBTI has helped me realize that I just need to let my feelings pass and not try to analyze my feelings or judge them. Eg a crush on some random guy who I think is stupid then I get angry at myself....I just let it pass. Also it has improved my people skills usually I am really cold and direct and have trouble making friends in class because I honestly do not give a shit and do not feel inclined to. I was like wow am I some sort of introvert. But I actually get energy off of people so I felt stressed out in class cause I just sat there talking to no one. So now I just get my energy and people interactions from other places and class is reserved only for learning and intellectual discussions with the proff. Well mbti has helped me figure out how I see the world and how to help myself best. Well my type is an ENTJ (the commander) which makes sense cause people on campus always ask for my help to deal with some drama they cant handle. Like my main skill is I can step up to deal with conflict whereas everyone else suffers from bystander syndrome so I use that as much as I can. Well you are an INFP right? All the advisors I meet at the career centre and doctors and social workers are all INFPs coincidentally. They are good at healing people and being there for them and just listening. MBTI makes you feel less alone. That hey it is okay to be fucking weird sometimes. For me it reminded me that it was okay to be a cold heartless bitch as long as I channel it towards good things. Because some situations do require logic.

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