Is it the parent's fault?

Yes. I know mine had good intentions, but there are flaws in my family as well.

When I start talking about 'wanting to have a job', my mother almost starts to cry. And not in a 'I'm so proud of you for wanting that' way, but in a 'no, you are not going to leave me' way.

The term 'sonsband' sums it all up. They support me with the essentials, and I'm able to live a somewhat comfortable life. But you don't see them cheering for me when I have a job or for wanting to find one.

"Lol, just get a job then."

Sure, just trade in your time, energy and sanity for some random 'boss' and get some coins in return. And then you come home to where your parents are and they clearly aren't amused.

I'm seeing how it's unfolding now over here: my parents were after someone who'd take care of them when they become/became old.

Joke's on them, because I'll die sooner then they will.

/r/NEET Thread