do you self sabotage? Get scared when you start to develop feeling?

Your story reminds me of something I experienced. My last boyfriend/relationship fits kind of to your description. We had a relationship (exclusive) for 1 and a half year, it was a absolutely great time, I met his parents, he met mine, and all the typical relationship stuff. But this man was emotionally disturbed, I don't know how to say properly but I guess you know what I mean. He was available to some extend, but he is one of the guys who are scared of love. When he realized that there maybe is a chance that he deeply loves me, he started acting weird and creating a discussion/ little drama when there was no reason for it. One week before he broke up with me he made clear hints that he wanted to move in with me, but his own realization that he wanted this gave him anxiety and 2 days later he broke up with me. To most people it sounds weird that one would be scared of love, but it happens. It has is reasons, they most of the time lay in childhood or/and in hard rejections. When you admit openly,to yourself and to the other one that you love him, you make yourself vulnerable to some extend and some emotionally weird and sensible people feel that they are at somebodys mercy. And thats a feeling some people can't cope with. He didn't knew this consciously but I knew.Couple that with trust issues in general and you have someone who will never fully admit true love and open his heart so that you can write on it. I too thought time, space and patience and not being pushy will help but it didn't. In my special case, he had deep childhood trust and love,mother issues and in my opinion, if you have someone who isn't very selfaware of this (like he was) there is nearly no chance of fixing it. He never made a connection as to why he is like he is, so he wasn't able to do something against it. It's always specific, you know this person better and I don't want to come here and tell you it has a termination date, but be prepared. Chances that it's not going the way you'd like to are high. It's emotionally draining in your position I know that,and it's weird to have at the same time something very great but in between always questions.

/r/AskMenOver30 Thread