Patch 2.4.0j is now on the PTU!

Alpha Patch 2.4.0i has been released to the PTU, and is now available for players to test! During this initial testing phase, PTU access will be restricted to a small group of players that we will expand on over time as required.

Your launcher should show “2.4.0-358397” as the client version. It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Test client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Cloud Imperium Games\StarCitizen\Test.

The full 2.4.0 Patch Notes are located here. Please take full advantage of our Issue Council area of the Community site to report any bugs you encounter, as well as contribute to other players submissions.

Important Callouts:

Please note that Battle Royale seems to be experiencing a frequent crash during initializing.
The persistent database has been wiped clean for this patch from 2.4.0h to 2.4.0i


Updates and Fixes
    Star Systems
    Game Systems
    First Person
    User Interface

Updates and Fixes Star Systems:

Fixed an issue where the shopkeeper NPCs were hovering above the floor in a ‘T’ pose.
Fixed an issue where players items (ammo, helmet, camera, etc) would sometimes become detached and float in midair.
Updated flight suit models in Cubby Blast with the new jetpacks.


Made balance changes to the aUEC rewards for completing missions.
Capped the Criminal wanted level that a character can obtain for turning off Comm Arrays at 2, as opposed to the previous 5.
Fixed some issues preventing ICC Missions 2, 4 and 5 from being completed.
Fixed an issue where the character camera would float into the ceiling after a character respawned in Port Olisar.

Security Post Kareah

Added scavenging items around Kareah Station
Removed the 2 medikits from inside Kareah Station.
Increased the aUEC gain to 250 for killing trespassers on the Security Mission.
You can now receive the Security Mission again after 10 minutes if no other player accepts it.


Fixed an issue where objects were floating off the wall in the Selfland Hangar.

Game Systems:

Fixed an issue where players could acquire items from shops without paying for them.
Fixed an issue where the helmet of characters would detach and float in mid air while player was trying on another flight suit.

Port Modification App

Fixed an issue that could allow character to accidentally change the wrong port mod node.
    Now all other port nodes are temporarily disabled when one port mod is being updated.
Fixed an issue where Port Mod changes were not persisting between hangar and other modules after logout.
Fixed issues across all ship and flair ports so that unusable ports are not visible to players.
Fixed an issue where Port Mods were visible on the Greycat Buggy and could render it unusable.
    For now, Port Mode have been removed from the Greycat.
Updated Port Mod UI to show if a ship or ship component is already spawned/attached to another location.


Made additional balance tweaks to the PyroBurst Shotgun.
Fixed an issue where all weapons attached to a gimble were listed with the same name.
Fixed an issue where the self destruct countdown timer was not appearing correctly if ship was parked on a landing pad.

Fixed an issue with the Sabre where the throttle was floating on top of the cockpit.
Fixed an issue with the Hornet canard not having the right item size.
Fixed an issue where there was no audio for entering or exiting the Freelancer.

First Person:

Fixed an issue where using the burp emote would cause the character feet to slide.
Fixed an issue where the /bow emote was not working correctly.
Fixed a visual issue with depth of field when player was in first person.

User Interface:

Fixed an issue where the z input axis was not recognized by any joystick input.
Fixed an issue where player would be informed they evaded a missile even though the missile was still targeting the player.
Fixed an issue where the ship indicator would sometimes remain on screen after quantum travel.


Fixed a crash issue related to starting an Arena Commander match.
Fixed an error code 7 disconnect issue while in an Arena Commander match.
Fixed several server crash issues.
Fixed several client crash issues.
/r/starcitizen Thread