Patch 3.51 Notes

You took what I said the wrong way. I'm not saying people who do it are losers, I am saying it is a losing game, as in there are easier ways to achieve the same ends that aren't anywhere near as time consuming. You are feeding into a system designed to steal your time through a mindless grind when there are other options. Looking outside of ilvl, the relic is purely glamour. And some people including myself are working on more than one, so "I main this class" is irrelevant and short-sighted.

Let me explain what I mean. But first, you said "Other people might simply want to get the best gear they can outside of Creator because they don't have a static". - You do not need a static for Creator. Especially with cross world PF. Many people have cleared Creator through learning and clear parties for all floors. This might sound snooty too but none of the current Savage floors are too difficult for someone with the determination and persistence to beat them. The time investment for relic is many times greater. Not having a static is not an excuse for not having access to Creator gear. Period.

Looking outside of the glamour or superficial aspect of the current relic, it is an ilvl 270 weapon. Disregarding the fact that you can beat everything in the game with a Sophia weapon, the time sink for that ilvl is not worth it considering it would be far less time consuming to learn/beat A11S and get a gob dip to upgrade a Shire weapon. Or just wait until next month when gobdips are put into Dun Scaith.

It provides extra things to do for high-end players

Like what? Farm A1S 143 times? After you ran Aetherochemical Research Facility 260 times? Let's not pretend that relic grinds bring anything new to the table because they don't.

even if it's just something they do casually

This is what's wrong with the relic grind. You don't do the relic. You do old as fuck faceroll content over and over again until you get an achievement.

If you're proud of your relic or you really like spamming the same fight hundreds of times, great! I'm sure there are people that enjoy it. But to say it is inefficient and a waste of time in the grand scheme of gear progression in this game is an understatement.

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