Patterns of attraction: Results

I really think people are misinterpreting the "partner's ethnicity" data with "racial preference." Unless there is some racial preference chart that I missed.

At least in the U.S., whites are still the majority and in some states the super majority (90%). I get the whole white worshiping problem, but if you are a minority living in a majority white state, you really gotta go out of your way to not date a white person. A lot of the minority tabs (not just Asian) have a much higher % of white partner's ethnicity than their own, which makes sense since they are in the minority.

I'll give you an example: I had a college Asian friend from the midwest. He was the only Asian guy in his entire senior graduating class. His girlfriend at the time was white, not by choice but b/c he really didn't have that many options (if at all). And at my high school, it was mostly white people and literally no black people. I could count on one hand the total number of black students in the entire highschool (and my HS was pretty big, about 2,000 total students).

So all I'm saying is people need to be careful when interpreting data beyond what it says.

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