What are your worst secondary school experiences?

Had been texting a girl for a while, and on April Fools we were just joking around when I suddenly got a somewhat comically angry text from her supposed father telling me to gtfo from his daughter, and threatened to go to the principal if I didn't. Thought the girl was fucking around with me again, so I replied with something equally stupid and said father proceeded to spam my phone about coming to my class and bashing my skull in. So I was like woah woah woah ok imma back the fuck up this girl ain't chio enough for this shit. I thought it was that was the end of it, but come Monday it became apparent the father wasn't fucking around when the DP and year head showed up at my class. Never saw the father or the girl again, but I got detention and my phone confiscated for a month. Was almost kicked out of school since my grades and behaviour was already shitty before this, but I got to stay after numerous visits to the principal's office and ultimately agreeing to writing a really contrived letter about all the shit I would do better from now on

/r/singapore Thread