Pausing to use the toilet is not allowed at TI qualifiers

Holy numbnuts, why are you even comparing Apples to Oranges. Have you ever played a dota game? Have people ever payed money to watch you play dota? Are you older than 5 years old? Do you have the fucking capacity and forward thinking to think (I'm going to be sitting down for 1 hour, perhaps I should grab my water or use the bathroom before I do this). Is your bladder that of a 95 year old man?

These excuses are fucking children abusing the system to gain advantages. There is a huge difference between a timeout in a professional sport and a dota game. For one, you can't timeout when the other team has the fucking ball, which in dota, is all the time. Secondly, timeouts are limited in sport games, and you will NEVER see a timeout cause "our 1 guy had pizza delivered" or "brb, taking a piss lol" or "forgot to bring water." And while being hot in your room all day makes you sweat, you aren't sprinting a field and actually completely dehydrating yourself to the point where you NEED water.

Pauses have gotten so ludicrous that at this point you could pause and say "gotta jerk one out real quick."

If you ask me, if you're a professional team, but don't have the fore-thought to take a piss before you start your match, grab your hydration before the match (or have someone get you it), set up a fucking fan so you aren't sitting in a stale room at 100 degrees, then you DESERVE to play at your self-produced disadvantage.

You don't see professional sports teams showing up to the match without hydration, unstretched, forgotten uniforms, pausing for a piss (most players will do this ON the field if they really have to go), mom knocking on their door, or whatever pure shit reason I've been seeing lately.

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