PCM Is Refusing To Submit My Referral

Banana_Bag, the honest truth which I can't even tell my PCM is that this craniofacial anomalie I have is ruining my life! I don't fit in, have no friends, never leave the barracks, can't even go to the chow hall because I feel like a freak. I will go without eating a lot of the times, and can barely even talk with people in my unit or do my work efficiently. I can't even live a normal life. I just to get those over with, and want an experienced surgeon who has done a lot of the surgerys to be able to give me the best possible asthetic outcome. Jaw surgery is literally changing your face around. A residency surgeon isn't going to have that experience a surgeon who's been doing this 20 years and has the most advanced up to date technology has. I literally feel my life is meaningless sometimes. It's a physical problem.

/r/Military Thread Parent