People against feminism, why? [Serious]

Not really.

Like I said, it's more of a support group rather than a debate club. There are thousands of outlets for debate. There are "safe places" for everybody else. An academic echo chamber with diverse viewpoints (note: you don't need antagonists to have diverse viewpoints) can work together to solve problems all in the room experience and bounce ideas off each other.

If you've seen studies, in mixed groups, the antagonistic view points tend to take center stage because they take issues with what the people in the group are saying. They're more than welcome in the places I've gone to meetups in, but they have to remain civil, wait their turn to speak, add to the discussion, and remain on topic like everybody else. Meaning "BUT BLACK ON BLACK CRIME" when we're talking about how to improve education in our communities is not acceptable. It's easier to flat out ban them than have to deal with the police when they refuse to follow our rules and refuse to leave.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent