Why do People find the concept that all Unwanted/Coerced sex is Rape, even when paid, so hard to grasp?

There is absolutely no way to counteract the bias introduced by cherry-picking

As I said, if you’re talking about cherry-picking you have missed the point. Your reponse was that it definitely involved cherry-picking. No duh? Go to the review sites if you want to do some sort of research into what an average man who fills in a review of the prostituted woman he had sex with says. That was so not the point.

Consider the lives of the women being described in those reviews. Consider how clearly they do not want this.

Then consider that most women enter prostitution as children, that the vast majority are controlled by pimps, and that the majority in most countries (I would bet this includes your own country) are trafficked: that is, literally enslaved and brought into prostitution through trickery and force. The coercion happens before their first paying rapist even enters the room.

I will leave you this link to talk you through some of this, and then I am disengaging because responding to “if you are going to talk about cherry-picking, you have missed the point” with “these are cherry-picked” is not engaging in good faith, and that you are not horrified by the clear coercion behind the men’s descriptions (women crying and in pain, women who have had sex many times that day trying to prevent men from penetrating them this time and the man complaining that he only managed to get the tip in because she kept stopping him which didn’t stop him from repeatedly trying, women trying to get the session to finish as quickly as possible and not engaging beyond allowing him to stick his penis in her and getting berated by the man for this, men describing encounters in which they were clearly actually aggressive and frightening) suggests that you probably don’t recognise most rape as rape.

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