People have paid a company more than $80,000 to dig a hole for absolutely no reason

You read what you want to read, as is the norm these days. You also tunnel vision your interpretation.

Your arguments for labor being more skilled is just flat out wrong. Your side is just as "hypothetical" as mine, not based on useful evidence, since there can't be any useful evidence to measure this aside from seeing it yourself. That said, if you think a factory worker or construction worker in the west is more "skilled" than elsewhere, you're deluded beyond belief.

As for what I said about the states' output as a result of intellectuals from around the world, and your senseless attribution to "globalism", I meant the intellect in the states themselves. Be it medicine, or technology, or industry, the states brain drain the world. You'll find Europeans, East Asians, South Asians everywhere. American laborers earn that much because of quality products America outputs. The products are a result of intellectuals from around the world gathering in one place - America.

Next, you automatically assume I'm talking about the middle-east or shift the conversation there anyway. Trendy to be talking about Islam these days. China and India were fucked by the west in recent history (Not "hundreds" of years), they don't blame their woes on it at all, and are progressing. That doesn't mean that the woes aren't the fault of the west. You speak with a victimized mentality, where there's blame and shame, and nobody takes responsibility. That's what's truly childish. You justifying the west utilizing extremely cheap and sometimes inhumane labor in poorer countries as a positive thing - giving them work/money - is sickening.

Lastly, economic development in the western world is dependent on leeching off weaker countries, with the addition of what you failed to grasp - intellectuals from around the world in the states. The west absolutely does not succeed because of ideological advantages. You can look at Asia or Russia for that comparison. They succeed because of innovation which drives the economy. Again, speaking like a dick, generalizing my statement, I did not call Americans parasites. I'm calling idiots who waste money because they can - parasites. The same idiot, taken out of America and placed in a third world country wouldn't earn the same, or throw money away in the same manner. The people who truly make America great do not waste money.

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