People of reddit who work in the medical field. What is something you have had to explain to your patients that was super ridiculous and should be common knowledge?

  • It's surprisingly common for owners to mistake their cat's nipples for tumors. This is more funny than anything. The doctors would almost always prefer to find a nipple than a tumor!

  • People attempting to buy medication for someone else's pet, and then screaming at me saying, "IT'S JUST A DOG! JUST GIVE ME THE DAMN MEDICINE!" Do you go to your own doctor and say, "Can I get some antibiotics for my neighbor's son? He's the same weight as my son. What do you mean you can't do that? GOD STOP BEING SO DAMN DIFFICULT IT'S JUST SOME ANTIBIOTICS!" Yeah.

  • When the doctor tells you not to have your pet run around and play catch and jumping the stairs after a surgery, LISTEN TO THE DOCTOR. You don't have your kid go play football after having his appendix out for obvious reasons. Same thing.

  • Dogs and people are different. Call your vet before giving them people meds... the number of people who gave their pet Tylenol... FYI it causes organ failure and/or death. Not fun. Always sad.

  • When dogs and cats are overweight, it's not actually that cute or funny. You're killing them. People get so offended when the doctor recommends a diet/lifestyle change for their pet because it's causing health problems. Very very sad.

  • Having to explain why the doctor won't euthanize their dog for reasons such as: dog isn't cute anymore, dog is food aggressive, dog doesn't listen to commands (the type of owner who usually complains about this is the type who screams at their dog in the most aggressive, mean tones and will physically slap or hit their dog. Yes, at the vet office, in front of other pet owners), etc. ... the fuck people

  • Oh, having to explain to people why treating your dog like shit isn't the most effective way to train your dog. And in case you want to know why. If you raise your kid and motivate them by making them fear pain, punishment, and shame, how do you think they'll turn out once they realize you have no power over them? Compare and contrast to raising your kid with discipline, respect and love. One of these is arguably more difficult than the other, but the rewards are much, much greater-- to not only you and your dog, but also to the world.

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