Do people have a right to health care?

TL;DR: A healthcare system by the people, for the people. A healthcare system that's possible without the need for Insurance companies and will help everyone get the care that they have a right for. Nobody gets to choose what kind of situation they're born in.

I think that yes people have a right to any kind of healthcare that they need. Be it just a regular check up, a surgery, or prescriptions. I think that the mistake with American health care was making it something capitalistic in the first place. Although it's great in theory and forces hospitals to compete for patients and therefore provide better services and care, its caused a huge problem. It's forced an Insurance based system that we can't get out of, and it's one of the biggest reasons prices are so high. But now we can't just get rid of the insurance companies since they're already so ingrained in society. I think that healthcare should be between the provider (doctors and hospitals) and the patients. No middle men at all. I saw a great video a while ago (can't seem to find it) about a guy who had an awesome idea. A complete healthcare reform with abolition of medicare/medicaid.

Citizens get a $2000 healthcare only money infusion every year from the government. If you want to, you can use the account and put money into it, if you don't want to use it you don't have to. You still get the $2000 every year. You can ask your employer to put a certain amount of your wages into your account so that you have more money. Interest would accrue as a regular account. None of the money that is placed in this account can be spent on anything but healthcare. This would make sure that people don't spend the governments money on nothing. Now this is where it gets good.

The reason insurance costs are so much, is mainly because of Insurance companies and their dealings with hospitals. With this new system, people would be encouraged to drop their insurance and deal with the hospital directly. Prices would drop because people need care, but hospitals won't be able to charge such absurd prices for care. This would be great because Insurance rates would have to also decrease as more and more people start realizing that they can get cheaper prices with just dealing with the hospital directly. We start lowering the price of healthcare for all citizens in the country, while still leaving a capitalistic system in place. Another cool feature of this program is gifting between family members. The man in the video brings up that you'd be able to gift some of the money in your healthcare fund to a family member to help them out if they can't afford a certain procedure. I wanted to take that idea one step further, and thought that it would be great to have a whole system where you'd be able to donate to any citizen who needs a procedure that they can't afford. In essence, people who don't necessarily need their funds at the time can donate to people who are more in need. Not only would this play to peoples more altruistic tendencies these days, but there could also be a social media element involved which people would really love. If you ever needed help people might be able to see how much you've donated and donate to you. It would be like a universal healthcare system, but it's by the people and for the people. How much more unamerican can you get?

/r/NeutralPolitics Thread