I need advice: How to open myself to the world?

First, do you have the desire to improve yourself and get to know others?

You do?

That's the first step. Congratulations, seriously. You have some idea of what you want in your life. Props to you for standing up and saying something.

Next, keep jogging, keep up at your hobbies, keep up at your work, keep improving yourself, keep maintaining yourself; this is subconsciously telling yourself that you are worth any amount of your own time and effort to take care of and improve upon. Work on telling yourself this consciously, too. Remember that you are loved. Compliment yourself. Take time to smile at some of the silly things about yourself. It may seem weird at first, and it is, but don't let your pride get the best of you; learn to love yourself.

The next step, and it is one of the most difficult: visualize exactly who you want to be. Go back to those books and pick up a couple more perhaps, and look at the examples they give. Look at the people you love and admire. Hell, even look at some people you have been jealous or envious of partially because of their social skills and whatnot. What do they do differently? This is going back to the previous step: how do you think they view and visualize themselves? No one is perfect, but there's a good chance that they have a strong view of themselves and high self-esteem. I am not saying you don't have high self esteem, I'm in no position to make that claim - but look around, at the people in your life who caught your attention, and take notes. It's important to remember that you are doing this for you though, not them - this is not a competition nor a race. Do not compare yourself to them, just take what you admire about them and then give that quality to yourself.

After you get some ideas and begin building your image of yourself in your own eyes, take action and put yourself out there. Actually say hello to some of the joggers you regularly see. Go do something that will make you uncomfortable, like going to a local show. Reconnect with that old friend. Call a family member. Try out one of those actions or attitudes or whatever that you noticed someone else of note in your life do at one point. Invest in your world and do give a fuck.

Once you have started taking action and engaging, the next is to allow yourself to take a bit of the world for yourself; ask a girl out. Ask a new friend to spend some time with you. Continue to work on those hobbies. Ask for a favor. Make it come full circle; it is likely that you have improved yourself and your life considerably by this point, and you taking a bit of the world for yourself is mutually beneficial; you get what you desire and need and the world gets another awesome, level headed, confident person who is working to improve themselves and the lives of those they interact with. It's win-win.

With some of these ideas in mind, you can be on your way to conquering everything you'll ever need to: yourself.

Lastly, mainly a suggestion but one I highly recommend, is journaling about your life and about your goals and progress and ideas and everything. It takes time, and it will feel odd if you aren't used to it already, but it helps a lot. Plus, it's great to take a look at your own progress!

Finally, give yourself time and patience. Talk to your mother; she seems like a great resource. Tell her about what you want to change; everyone needs a cheerleader. Perhaps she is struggling with something and could use your support. In regards to the rest of my long comment: Make yourself uncomfortable in a positive way. Forget pride and do what you know is healthy. Think win-win. Learn from others (and yourself!). Enjoy this journey, because it is your own.

God bless you too, my friend! Hope this helps!

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