Why do people say SC is dying/dead ?

Lol. I don’t know why you would say I’m dodging your arguments when I adress them. I’ve just realized you’re an idiot as well as a tool. For example, look at the beginning for your last post, you say:

How about you mimic the important part of my posts?

This makes no sense like most of your writing. You mimic someone's speech, behavior, or a person but, you don't mimic someone's statements. And, when someone mimics someone, it means they are mocking them so why would you want me to do that? You’re seriously an idiot.

I'm assuming what you were really trying to ask is why don't I address your important points.

The fact is I do. For example, in my last post, I responded to your statement that there were tons of tournaments which was proof of its success. I suggested you read Destiny's post which explained that there were a lot of tourneys because people were banking on huge profits which never panned out. Ergo, the number of tournaments is not proof of success.

Do you get it?

Then, I go on to say you cling to the illusion that sc2 was successful. And, I respond by giving an example how you use faulty logic to support this view. You state that Sc2 wasn't bad because it did pretty well given it's small player base (which contradicts your first initial claim that sc2 has a large player base.)

I responded that this is retard logic. Whether sc2 is bad is directly correlated to the number of players so you can’t use the player base as evidence of its success or not. It’s like claiming you’re actually a smart guy. You would do a lot better on tests if you just had a larger brain.

My sides. So, when are you going to stop dodging my arguments? Should I paste them again?

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