People who back out last minute...

I don't know you - I'm not the person you're talking to but I'm kind of sick of dealing with this shit from the other side of this conversation. So I'm going to direct my RANT REPLY to you but it's actually directed at my loved ones because this shit pisses me off too!

Look, I never wanted to go do that thing that you wanted to do. It's not that I don't like you or don't want to spend time with you, it just doesn't sound like fun to me. It might be fun if we had a group but we don't so no....I don't want to go. In fact, I never did.

The only reason I said yes in the first place was because you were being quite persistent and/or I knew it would hurt your feelings if I said no. I don't like being the bad guy and the way your asking me is making me feel like I can't say no without hurting your I said yes and hoped I would find a better excuse later...but it never came.

The day is arriving and you're so excited and so oblivious to my lack of interest that there is nothing other than a blindside that will get my point across to you. I've tried to soften the blow by dropping hints.....hints which you either dismissed, ignored and/or talked over. Your excitement couldn't be denied and there was no way you were going to take no for an answer. BUT I STILL DIDN"T WANT TO FUCKING GO.

SO - now because you're so invested emotionally, you've put me in a position where I feel like an asshole but, I DON"T WANT TO FUCKING GO. When you asked, you should have accepted that NO was a valid answer but you didn't. Now, you're blaming me for being an asshole.

BLAME YOURSELF - I did nothing wrong except try to NOT hurt your feelings.

Hell I'm so frustrated now that I can only barely remember that back when you asked it did kinda sounded like fun so I probably did sound interested. However there were doubts in my mind and the more time went on the less fun it sounded. BUT FUCK NO, you weren't going to let me out of my commitment.

Then I thought it would be more tolerable if a group of us were there but I mentioned it to the others and no one wanted to go and all that did was kill any last desire I had.

Look stop demanding shit from me - stop demanding my time. Realize that plans and desires change. That doesn't mean I don't like you. It just means I want to do something else now and perhaps something else without you because I'm sick of all this fucking drama. JESUS FUCK - leave me alone and stop making me feel like shit for wanting to do something else.

I love you but go away for awhile and leave me the fuck alone.

/r/rant Thread