People who grew up in a different socioeconomic class as your significant others, what are the notable differences you've noticed and how does it affect your relationship (if at all)?

I didn't necessarily group up in a lower class; up until a teenager my family was probably middle class and towards the mid teens we were upper middle (six figure income). But several large problems came up and a lot of things around us began to crumble. The bread winner was unable to work and we couldn't afford to pay the mortgage (or buy decent groceries at times) and my family ended up declaring bankruptcy.

I had moved out before any of the problems really surfaced and lived in an apartment closer to my university. I had worked through all of my years of high school and for the first part of my college years, but for my own reasons I did not have a job at the time when this all happened. Nonetheless, all of my previous work had built up a large nest egg that I ultimately spent on my family (helping with medical bills, helping with groceries, etc.). It got to the point where I had given so much money that I no longer had any for myself. I couldn't afford my rent anymore, couldn't buy food, at one point I had $0.08 to my name (outside of my possessions that I could sell). My able-bodied parent had begun to work several jobs, all full time, and the stress and effort were clear. I took the hit and decided to not put more stress on them by telling them of the financial position I found myself in and just began living in my car. I sold some things that were very dear to me (my coin collection was a big one) and used the money to buy a gym membership so that I could shower daily and food that had vitamins , protein, and calories (peanut butter, dried fruit, etc.). I eventually was pulled out largely thanks to a very good friend and fought my way back to a stable position. I make a point to buy him dinner as often as I can now.

Anyway, one of my ex-girlfriends grew up never having to work and never experiencing a true financial burden. She never understood why it took hours when we went grocery shopping together, and why I had to spend decent thought on if I'd rather buy the item that was $2.60 or the slightly better one that was $2.65. She would always joke about how scrupulous I was and how, when there was a sale on some cheap non-perishable (canned vegetables for instance), I would buy 10 or 15 cans. She never knew the full feeling of never wanting to go back to where I was and the impact that had left on me. Ever since, I've always worked a full-time position and I never take vacations (I recently had a boss tell me that I had to take a few days off because the company was unable to give me anymore PTO).

It was never a super big thing between us, but when she occasionally said that she knew what it was like to have to work, I would give her a look that very quickly made her realize what she was saying.

Hope my story is coherent, I just woke up.

/r/AskReddit Thread