People who hate the new caut changes: very little has changed

Reading this is painful. People saying now we have much more possibilities. Maybe in item choice but what about the meta itself. Where every high elo game is double support and if you don’t have double support it’s an automatic loss. Because supports know that for 10mn no matter how much damage I get I will not kill anyone. Im a gm that played in a diamond lobby that I would usually curb stomp with 30 kills and I had 12 kills in 17mn with 130k dmg. It is unbearable seeing supports played as damages because a furia is as good if not better than dps because she will get value for 10mn where with another dps I will only start get value after 10mn. Can’t wait to see you guys play against Azaan and get 4-0 in 7mn because Caut doesn’t exist.

/r/Paladins Thread