People who say sexuality is a choice, might say that because they're making the choice to deny theirs.

Dear lord, I couldn't help myself. That webpage is a fucking travesty, its like a trainwreck, you just can't look away.

There were men then (as now) who had a reputation for being disinterested in women as objects of sexual attraction. They would make the ideal eunuch.

... You didn't become a eunuch because you were uninterested in women. You did it because then you couldn't fucking impregnate anybody and generally had no ambition. This is totally backwards, it was anything from a high ranking job to life as a slave; the point was you were a servant no matter how you cut it because you couldn't procreate or own a homestead and in return you were taken care of. I'm pretty goddamned sure that in some instances they did not even care if the ones who actually guarded women messed around with them or not, and yes, I assure you, the castrated are perfectly capable of having sex. >.< Trust me on that one, I've slept with one and in your jacked up brain that can't tell the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity, I probably qualify as one myself. :P

The only source this guy has for any of that nonsense is a book by this guy:

Yeah. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that beyond that one guy, no reasonable, respected professional whose self-worth -does not rely- on reconciling their sexuality with their faith thinks there was a 1:1 connection between eunuchs and homosexuals because anybody whose self-worth is not on the line will find it very fucking easy to understand that the notion of slicing off your balls is as offensive to a homosexual man as it is a heterosexual man...

Unless a bunch of assholes have convinced him its wrong to be gay, in which case it's going to start looking appealing.

Generally the only thing that is going to motivate somebody to voluntarily and without coercion lop off their testicles is extreme dysphoria. In the modern day, that'd be transwomen, in the older day, that'd probably be the 'eunuchs' in the kama sutra, the Hijra, and all those other guys who for no explicable reason just suddenly started living as woman after joining a funky religious order.

Hi! Allow me to inform you on the behalf of those very like me in the modern day, as well as on the behalf of those sorta like me in older times and other places, that we're not gay. Unless we date women, or other transwomen. No reason we can't -also- be gay, but the point is that we are not, by default, implicitly gay. We're different! And we have our own set of problems, many of which stem from reactionary ignorant empathy-challenged human beings thinking we're, by default, gay!

For example, we have to deal with transitioning. Its a giant pain in the ass, costs lots of money, time and sanity and has no promise of not leaving you worse off than you were before. And I can assure you, if all I wanted myself was to be gay, I'd have just been fucking gay! I had boyfriends before, zero guilt. I had girlfriends before, zero guilt! And after its all done?! I still have boyfriends and girlfriends and still have zero guilt! So I can fucking assure you, it had nothing to do with having problems with my sexuality. >.<

Could you please stop misrepresenting us to push your bizarre, but probably well intentioned attempt to reconcile your religion and your sexuality? I get its probably hard to figure yourself out, if thats what this is really about; or if maybe this is part of some coming-to-terms process you're going through because a family member is gay, believe me, I really do sympathize, but could you please stop littering the web with convincing looking bullshit that might actually convince or mislead somebody who wasn't well read when they stumbled across it?!

Take a deep breath. Forget that bogus fucking information on that website or i dunno, go waste an hour (if that) actually looking up whats referenced and tearing it apart for yourself. Then ask yourself a very simple question:

If god didn't want somebody to be gay, why the fuck would he make them that way? Has god ever come down and personally told you he has a problem with gays?

... or is the only place you've ever actually seen anybody angry about homosexuals existing or acting like whatever it is homosexual act like in the words, written and spoken, of mortal, finite, fallible men?

Ponder those deep thoughts for however long it takes you to stop making life screwier for other minorities in order to make your own life more comfortable. >.<

/r/Showerthoughts Thread