People who split from their partners just before the wedding, what happened?

Hey :(

This sucks. I don’t have much motivational words to give out, I am extremely demotivated right now, so just want to say that- this sucks.

There’s like a thing people say in my culture- there’s this dowry the girl can ask for and usually it’s around 10-15k. But you would hear some outrageous demands like 50k and many would say ah that’s crazy, the girl’s family is in it for money!

But it is actually just a subtle rejection. If there’s nothing obviously wrong with you, the girl’s family is just trying to say no. So I feel like whatever his parents are doing, it is equivalent to this. They are actually saying no but if they say no outright, then their son would hate them, but if they do this, they are subtly asking me to back down.

At the end of the day, sure, I can convince him to leave his parents cause love wins or something. But do I really want to do that to him? He is just not that type of person and I am not sure if I want to live with a man who is broken because he has done something that is the opposite of who he is.

I don’t know why I am telling you this.

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