People who’ve seen nice people finally snap, what happened?

There's this guy through throughout his life has had to deal with unfortunate circumstances, no problem he said - no mountain is too high. If anything he aspires to educate and support people going through similar circumstances in the future, so people can avoid having to make the same mistakes he has, and learn what he knows from his experiences.

Moving forward, something entirely not his fault or under his control, impacted everything in his life from friends, interests, school, college, work, university - the nightmare began when he became a teenager, there being no end to it, he has been forced to take clandestine paths in order to remain anonymous throughout his life.

When the man who created these circumstances then begins to insult you, on top of all the physical and mental abuse one has faced from strangers as a result of this man's actions over the years

You throw people rope, and they consistently throw it back at your face over the course of your own lifetime . Eventually, one runs out of rope to give. In a civil society, when talking about problems becomes inadequate to finding solutions, most resort to violence, although having been the one waking up in hospital many times as a result of people influenced by the actions of those he believed were close to him. The only end is in the judicial system, because if people won't listen - save yourself the effort and have a solicitor present your case in court.

I value pain more than money, because experience teaches you knowledge you can't buy with a formal education.

/r/AskReddit Thread