People who went to school with a murderer, what were they like as kids and what did they do?

Throwaway account because people would kill me if I said anything nice about him.

I went to school with Kip Kinkle, the kid who started the whole school shooter trend when he shot up Thurston. He was not like the media portrayed him. He was well liked and semi popular. He was a show off and a class clown.

He would be the kind of kid who bragged about getting drunk and doing drugs. He really liked this blonde girl name Morgan Rouche who was not interested in him. He'd talk about her all the time.

He liked to do harmless pranks, but they seemed to escalate over time. He left chewed gum on a seat of this guy named Nick who was also interested in Morgan. Some guy got his car keyed and I suspect Kip did it because of jealousy.

It seemed to bother kip if anyone else was doing better than him in any way. During an assembly, I remember that some students got an award and Kip said he could do better than them if he tried. Sure, Kip.

The media portrayed him as some sort of weirdo who was schizo. After the shooting, people who know I went to school with him used to ask me if he listened to NIN and Marilyn Manson type music. He liked Sublime and Sugar Ray. Stuff like that. He was a normal guy who was trying way too hard.

I dont think there was anything inherently wrong with Kip. He was experiencing some normal teenage angst and trying to find where he fit into the world. He had dreams and plans for the future, but those plans came crashing down quick.

Remember how I said he was a showoff? He bought various mall ninja junk that people laughed at. He hated being laughed at or not being taken seriously. He couldnt have this, so he had to escalate and he bought a handgun that he kept in his locker. He knew that it would make people talk. He wanted to intimidate Nick, I think, but without being direct. Word got out, but his locker got searched and he was kicked out of school.

I think his parents may have over reacted and told him his life was over. The rest is history.

One last thing. He didn't shoot people he liked. Morgan made it out okay.

/r/AskReddit Thread