The person I am currently seeing has high functioning autism and I am getting confused

It sounds like he wants to just get to know you and he is taking his time

I understand the observation thing, consider it similar to an introvert that just enjoys the vibe and watches how people interact

Giving hugs and making you laugh is how he expresses his affection, he is a physical person

If you’re upset, try not to state that you’re upset as such and leave it there instead try to ask for what you need that he can do for example instead of just saying I’m upset try saying something like I could really use a hug from you right now

It’s hard for us to display affection through typed text but he sounds like he does want to be affectionate. He sounds like a really decent partner

I’m wondering if he does or doesn’t ‘react to them’ in the way you wish though because it sounds like he is doing that but just not in the way in which you might be used to

I think he needs to meet your friends next

Autistics need a lot of solitude and this seems to be a thing here when you’re not together. It’s likely that he sees his time with you as your time and devotes that time solely to you but considers his time away from you as his time

Try having set times each evening in which you agree to chat or if you’re busy try communicating through memes etc. Have him send you pictures or memes instead of words

It can be difficult for us to know how to express what we feel but it doesn’t mean it’s not there and he definitely does seem into you. He wants to take time to get to know you slowly

/r/autism Thread