Petition calls for end to 'no pets' policies in rental housing

I'm going to combine all these separate responses into one.

hahaha yeah

Ok, I don't see us seeing eye to eye there, so there's no point in arguing further. Agree to disagree.

I don't see people claiming pet owners are all irresponsible.

It's literally the top comment in the thread: there are plenty of shitty pet owners out there. hell, my brothers roommate let her cat piss all over the townhouse they were renting

It was not substantial damage and I repaired it myself.

Like a... responsible pet owner would do? gasps You don't say! /s

The point is that the interaction is unnecessary

Sure it is. They pick up their rent check, take a look to see that nothing's broken and requires repair, and that the property is in acceptable condition. Looking back on it, I think it was only once a formal thing when he had bankers inspect the property, and then again every year with the fire alarms etc. (or was that twice a year? not totally sure), we invited him in every other time. Even the worst landlord I ever had swung by in person a couple times a year. I can't wrap my mind around the notion of a completely absentee landlord.

I give them money to live in a domicile they own.

Yes, but under certain conditions as outlined in law. Neither tenant nor landlord gets to pick and choose what part of the RTA they do and do not want to respect.

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