Photos from the same locations compare glaciers from 1920 and today.

How many people have you asked? This is an absurdly easy question to address and makes me believe it's been answered to you multiple times but you just choose to ignore it.

Plus part of your premise (It won't be the first time that humanity has brought widespread misery on itself.) is insanely flawed.

I mean there are lots of responses to this. First off, with minor climate change you see extreme and erratic weather pattern changes. The long and short of this is that it puts a lot of fiscal burden on many areas. Cities shut down, infrastructure wears out faster.

Getting more extreme, no not all of the Earth will still be as habitable. Populations will be displaced, and now you add the human cost of refugees and diaspora groups migrating to better off areas where they will either a) drain welfare services and b) form ghettoized areas that will be a hot bed for diseases, crime, extremism, and basically every other ill you can imagine.

Yes oceans will rise and you also make the task of shifting all our population centers from coastal cities to inland areas sound almost trivial. Not only is this a monumental task, but it's one area where we kinda can't even anticipate all the challenges.

But if you're honestly wondering whether or not we'll survive, the answer is yes of course. Point is though that you'll probably live in poverty, under more authoritarian governments (if you start moving cities around for the sake of national security you're going to be taking some leeway with individual liberties), in a very uncomfortable situation with nowhere near as many resources as you have today.

Granted that's going to be the case for future generations more than you but a lot of people want future geneartions to see progress. I mean for fuck's sake, I shit in a bowl of clean water every day and I hope one day in that future, my great-great-grandchildren's toliet bowl will be filled with Fanta.

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