The picture on the left is a day after, my 10 day old daughter had open heart surgery. She was born with congenital heart disease and wasn’t expected to make it. After a long stay in the hospital, we finally got to bring to her home. The picture on the right was taken yesterday. She’s HOME.

As someone born with heart complications resulting in 3 open heart surgeries, this warms up my heart. I'm currently very healthy at the age of 21 with a degree in something I love: animation. I was told I wouldn't live past teenage years due to how limited the knowledge was back then. But these days I'm hearing stories of many healthy adults living normal lives!

I highly recommend joining a community for parental advice and support. I'm not sure what it's like where you are. But here in Australia we have the Heartkids foundation where children are brought together, showing them/us that we aren't alone. They also have parent support, where they meet up and share experiences and advice. I've also been apart of some meetups that had doctors speaking and sharing their advice to both parents and those with heart issues.

I wish you all the best with her. :)

/r/MadeMeSmile Thread Link -