Playground LTM Update 6/28/18

Everyone needs to calm their shit. This happens all the time to games. They take a while to fix the servers so that it's better for us. They are trying to get it perfect. Imagine you are working for epic and you are happy that you're close to getting this issue solved and making shit good for the players, just to come home and go on Reddit/Twitter and see people pissed the hell off because you aren't fast enough. I'm guessing most of you guys never played WoW back in the day of launch. They had a huge ass server problem. Like HUGE. PROBLEM. Same with Overwatch. It took them up to a week to fix this issue. Being an impatient ass doesn't help with the fucking problem. You complaining on fucking social media won't make you look big or make the fucking process go by faster. Calm. Your. Fucking. Tits.

/r/FortNiteBR Thread