Please help Adam_AK

Exactly, people do not understand. They think they understand but unless you are a trained professional in this field or have personally experienced it yourself you will have no context and no way of even gaining a glimpse of what it is like. People downvoted me because I shattered the perception that they know what it is like and how it feels to be truly depressed to the point of carrying out the act of suicide.

Almost everybody has thoughts of suicide and goes through some form of depression in their life at one point or another, but the ones who seriously(some commit weak attempts as a cry for help as oppose to truly trying to kill themselves) carry out the action of suicide are very rare and if you are even close to that point you are past the time of intervention.

Intervention and the suicide hotline are supposed to be preventative measures for those who have just recently or have fallen not that deeply into depression. Shallow forms of human touch over the internet and suicide hotlines are less than worthless for people at this stage, even close family members are likely not to reach them.

The only thing that can save a person at that point is themselves, or just pure luck which was in my case. My sister just happened to come home earlier than usual and found me and I just happened to live less than 3 miles away from a major hospital and I was lucky enough to have a common blood type. I should be dead right now, but I'm not. It was only after that release that I was finally able to come to grips with my reality and slowly over the course of almost 3 years now and lots of therapy become a functioning member of society.

Like I said unless it is your job to deal with people exactly like me or you have personally been where I have been you cannot understand what it is like to be truly suicidal. You simply can't.

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