Please quit spoiling ant man, guys.

No I'm just fed up with being attacked for asking people to follow the rules of the sub and trying to warn people like myself that nobody is following the rules. I only subbed recently and didn't know you guys didn't follow that rule, there was no way to know that so i wanted to try to help people like me and maybe remind people to tag spoilers. But instead i get you yelling at me and insulting me and losing your mind about this. Seriously you read that a fellow fan had something we both like spoiled by someone who was breaking a rule and your response is "I'm gonna take this bitch down a peg" and the whole sub shows up to fucking applaud you. Why shouldn't i be upset? I've been told for an hour I'm not welcome and all because someone else made a mistake. You've only accused me of being too trusting which is apparently the greater mistake around here.

Really though, why did you decide to do this? What about my post do you think justifies just ruining my day and making me regret trying to help the sub? Why do you think it's OK to be so mean? I'm genuinely curious. And you can go ahead and act like it's my fault all you want but i only reacted to your anger. You were at maximum from the beginning, and i seriously can't understand why because it seems like you agree that it is a problem but instead of saying "yea people shouldn't post that" you attack me and say it's my fault for being ignorant. Does that really sound right to you? That i not only deserve to have things spoiled but i deserve to be attacked by you and made to feel bad? It's not like i even called for action against the guys doing it, just that we all try to be more courteous. And you flipped out at me. I just don't get how you could be browsing new and see my thread and decide i deserved to learn a lesson and get out of your subreddit and stay out. Why??

/r/marvelstudios Thread Parent