When did you realize you were not average?

At 10 I got to spend time in a padded room. At 3AM. I think that's when I realized I was a bit unique. The incredible part was I remember absolutely destroying the room I was housed in and when I finally got back to it a few hours later it was like nothing had happened. Except for my notebooks and other stuff of mine i destroyed, that stuff was gone.

at 12 I was told my IQ was 148 or something. I slept through most of my math classes in highschool and always got an A in math and science. Senior year I got a 98% in math and I barely remember the teacher or anything that happened in class. Some days I didn't even remember getting to school or going to class. I failed in many other areas though and my GPA was like 2.8. I failed english, history, and geography multiple times.

After highschool and it took like 5 years for me to realize I do actually have somewhat of an advantage. I still have quite a bit of self confidence issues.

As a bonus fact I seem to be missing part of the brain that says "Stop, think about what you're about to do/say/touch." Nothing quite like taking a car lighter, looking in awe at the slightly glowing coil, then touching it. I did that twice as a kid. That hasn't helped my self confidence since I tend to second guess "everything" I do now, even changing lanes.

Overall I have some great strengths and crippling weaknesses.

/r/AskReddit Thread