Poles and Hungarians are your countries on their way to a totalitarian path ? Yes or no ?

The thing with the judiciary is that each government up until PIS had put their own judges. After the election the opposition was super salty so they made a huge ruse about it in media so PIS would have bad press in Europe. PO did exactly the same at the beginning of their government. So yeah, it was a evident corruption but not worse than before. Also, I believe that PIS will step down if they lose upcoming elections.

With demonizing gays there is another story. Polish electorate needs a common enemy. Not a proud thing to say but that’s reality. This time around it’s the gays. Before that it was KOD and before that - former secret communist police. Pride parades are allowed to happen. Police protects peaceful demonstrations. Those who attacked them are ultra-conservatives/ nationalists and they are not PIS electorate.

/r/AskEurope Thread