Possible Devs connection to a classic Star Trek episode?

There is an abundance of TV and cinematic content out there... that covers simulation universes and multi-verses, that it's possible it your observation is coincidence... or.. that it was subconscious on Garland's part... or as you might be stating, an influence.

That Trek episode addressed determinism and free will in 1966 !

For me, that episode suggested we always had free will.. or maybe Kirk always made the right choice in the end because he saw the consequences? It's a brain buster for sure!

Now here is the kicker on WHY your post got my undivided attention. This Star Trek episode reminder is popping up for me frequently... and wayyyyyyyyyyy before DEVS aired.

I keep asking 'the universe' that this visual, the arch in particular... remind me of something I am supposed to be keeping track of... for which I don't want to reveal on here. (Don't ask)

So, your bringing it up, made me smile... as this is the most unlikely place I would be expecting it.. and yet, here it is... digitally in words... from you, a total stranger.

/r/Devs Thread