Possible Hot Take?

YES, thank you. I hate that mindset that if you ever say anything nice about someone like Velvet it means you're somehow defending them and their bad behavior. Velvet sucks but she's not pure evil, and having positive things to say about her at times doesn't mean you're excusing the things she's done. It actually seems quite cynical and unfair to me how some people act like you must always be critical of someone just because they're overall problematic, and that if you dare acknowledge anything positive about them it means you're on their side somehow.

Maybe I'm in the minority with this but...I enjoy a fair bit of snark of course but within reason. Actual valid criticisms of shitty behavior and giving people credit where it's due, not just constantly nitpicking every little thing and shitting on someone every chance you get just for the hell of it. A lot of people in these types of communities really fall into the latter category, and can even get irrationally irritated when others aren't the same way. It can get off-putting.

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