President of Columbia University in NYC will suspend classes on Monday and Tuesday after someone in community exposed to Covid-19

Trust me, Columbia has handled this unbelievably poorly. Last night, they told the student (who is now quarantined) that he was not to worry and to proceed with his normal day to day routine, despite both his parents (who he had recent contact with) testing positive for the virus. Those of us who knew the kid or had been in contact with him were told to not spread any news of him possibly being exposed to the virus in order to avoid panic across the school.

Our fraternity had to voluntarily self-quarantine after having serious contact with this individual and we only received conflicting information and weak suggestions from Columbia faculty and health services in regards to what we should do. They were not willing to support us in our efforts to contain the virus and told us to personally email and explain to our professors why we would not be in class.

Columbia has known this was a threat and instead tried to push through midterm week. They have demonstrated just how incompetent and foolish one can be in this process. If the faculty weren't pressured by the board of trustees (many of whom have kids in the university) then I truly do not think we would be getting shut down right now.

Their cancellation of all "non-essential" activities was just a bullshit answer to a million panicked emails and calls from students and relatives of students. Even now, sports team coaches are still allowed to mandate practices for their athletes, and dining halls/gyms/libraries are still fully open and functioning despite the very real possibility that this individual (who was at multiple parties and bars around campus) having spread the virus to countless others. If they do not fully shut down the campus and immediately start aggressively trying to contain the virus then they are just asking for our university to become an epicenter for the spread of Covid-19 in NYC.

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