President Trump G7 meeting in a nutshell.

Hyperbole. The press is far from legitimate and the EPA wields too much power, just to start. The rest of that drivel is laughable and doesn't deserve a reply.

I elected him to stop the globalist destruction of our country. You may be laughing, but I'm not. Neither are a lot of people around the world. You can always find left wing zealots like yourself anywhere who will shout hyperbole and call him a buffoon, pointing to the left wing media for "proof". The truth is that despite what CNN and huffpo tell you, the president and his administration is just fine. Dems can do all the hand-wringing they want and say impeachment a thousand times, but that won't make it true. The scandals they try to invent are simply not true or blown out of proportion.

I get it. You thought Hillary had it in the bag. You had your "I'm with her" t-shirt on and ready to party on November 8th. You feel sad and dejected and want nothing more than to see that mean old white guy pay for dashing Hillary's dreams. You and your fellow lefties are grasping at any straw that comes in reach, hoping it will magically turn into something big. I have some bad news for you. Wanting it so bad won't make it happen. He's still your president and we still control congress. We will add at least 1, possibly 2 Supreme Court justices. We will retain a majority in the house in 2018. This train isn't slowing down.

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