Pretty much all subreddits are unfriendly towards artists trying to promote their own music. Do you have any methods for trying to get your music out there?

later edit, but adding as another comment.. oh i'm back. so yeah after that half a year just to get the samples, it would have been half more year to make the track. Then half a year after that to do the vid. I'm there, ok this is too fucking long, have to try and get out quicker product even if it's half-assed not not putting in as much craftsmanship. I changed band name in fall of 2014 and deleted all previous material because it wasn't good enough. Think i did a couple tracks since june 2013 and the fall. Salvaged the last one and renamed it under the new band name. It was 10min, ten one min mini tracks made only with animal noises. So it takes about a season for a track.

I had to try and proceed things quicker to the next project so said, fuck the video. What was going on with having abstract things move with beat timing and melody notes was youtube turns it to shit. Too many psychedelic fast moving colors. One 4 min vid, compressed would be the size of a fucking movie. Youtube sucks ass with that. They'd have to click 1080p to clear things up. So I said fuck the video and just doing audio only until I get enough tracks for an album. Shooting myself in the foot though because people with their shit phones don't do audio. I'd need video to get shit out there. I get it that you need video to get out there these days but youtube turns it to shit and takes too long nitpicking. I gotta get a shrink wrapped album out there to snail mail to college stations. Gonna be a couple years yet probably. That's most likely the better way to get it out there, them hearing the shit. Anything online, too many idiots and you're just losing.

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