The Problem With Telling Sick Workers to Stay Home: Even with the coronavirus spreading, lax labor laws and little sick leave mean that many people can’t afford to skip work.

I understand why people fall for it, and its always packaged in a different way so people think its different. I spent 3 weeks in Venezuela in 2016. I wasn't following the political details but I remember everyone was so happy about Maduro and how he has the answer to everything. It didn't take long for those people to find themselves diving into dumpsters looking for food.

It sounds so good on paper, I can't even blame people for craving the fantasies pushed by Bernie, and yeah, it is always packaged in a different way but it leads to the same shit. The very people that pushed for him are the first to suffer and suffer the most. The wealthy will stay wealthy lol the poor will just get more poor and miserable.

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