Problems with keeping secrets

This. I think the gift giving thing is just something anyone can experience. My non-adhd fiance and adhd mother both experience this, meanwhile my adhd ass will take a gift secret to the grave. I love surprises so much, and I want others to experience getting surprised too so I'm good at it.

Actual secrets? Oh god no. You have to tell me in super serious black and white terms that This Is A Secret and then it better be juicy. If it's something I wouldn't find a big deal if everyone knew, I might let it slip. Someone tells me something and I tell someone I know they're friends with, now I'm the gossiping asshole. I can't even remember the examples where I've done it because it just felt like such innocuous information. If someone is doing something immoral or illegal, or even just slightly sketchy I'm going to remember it's a secret because no one would want that info revealed. If it's like, "I can't believe you told Katie I'm allergic to oranges!" Then I'm sorry but I don't even feel bad.

Probably why I have no lasting friendships lol, but if you tell me "hey it embarrasses me so don't tell anyone but I'm scared of qtips" I'll never tell a soul about your qtip phobia. But you gotta tell me. I also benefit from pinky promises and other rituals like we're still 8 or something, helps cement it in my memory lol.

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