
  • Imagination: It's interesting to me that you can spin a tale to bend a word to justify using it in a roll, but find it difficult to bend a word to justify interesting things happening. You're awesome at bending those words to get the most out of an action; you simply use that same way of thinking to create things within the world.

    I like your peanut butter illustration. I don't have a process; I don't have a set of steps I go through. I just make stuff up based on the word given me. If you feel like it, you could try making a list of how you came up with your justification for using "+6 Fear" to sing a lullaby. I'd be interested to see how you'd go about explaining your methods.

  • Threads: Ah. I think there's a crossed wire there. The Threads is more of a menu you can pick from; you can choose whichever you like. When you create a scene, you note down the Frames and Thread (and whatever other notes you feel like). If and when the Thread's question is answered by a scene, you mark that instance of the Thread as closed. They act as plot arcs in a book or tv show. A Thread can continue over many scenes, new threads can be started while old ones haven't been closed yet. Multiple "Place" Threads can be open at the same time just fine; there's no rule against it.

    I'll tweak the wording in the rules and try to avoid this confusion.

  • The Problem with Fred: Impressive, how you managed to twist them all round. ^ ^ Though the question is, what frame of mind is she in? What is she thinking right now? If she's thinking she can't trust someone or something, that's Distrust; here, she doesn't trust the goon. If she's thinking about how she'll enforce the law/rules, that's Lawful; here, she'd be kicking his ass for being a criminal rather than trying to get information from him. If she's thinking she's got a job to do and nothing else matters, that's Purpose; here, she'd be ignoring the ever-present danger of other bad guys hanging out all over the place and demand answers--that could happen later maybe (and she'd have better success with it) but at first she'd likely take a more subtle route.

    Maybe the player could decide her character does things differently to what I described, and then she could be in a different frame of mind and use a more advantageous Frame. But that's up to her.

    I think maybe you're speaking more of the goal

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