proposed rule for moass: no posts that imply you've sold

I 100% see this happening.

Example :

"omg I just sold at $500 for my dream HOME AND 50k in life changing money. You can all be like me if you paper hand your GME, TRUST ME Bro my life is changed forever!! At least for the next 12 months before I'm forced to get another slave job!! Feels amazing, might take a vacation to central Alabama with my hard earned money!! Woo!! It was so tough holding for a year and reading reddit for a year and a half. Man life's so rough and sometimes we need to pay our bills. $500 was an amazing deal but now the stress is over!! It feels so good to sell almost as good as anal sex from my wife's BOYFRIEND. "

I expect nothing more from shills and bots or really anyone else during MOASS. The real players here are holding until phone numbers. Bots and shills can go to their local Walmart, buy a gun and are fee to harm their testicle with metal bullets.

There's honestly no way of avoiding seeing these posts so it's our duty to filter the bullshit by educating each other and ourselves. No cell no sell, live by that moto and you'll be wealthier beyond your wildest dreams. Love you all and good night. Except for shills and bots, please kys ☺

/r/Superstonk Thread