What's a positive example of "boys will be boys"?

So you couldn’t be bothered to Google and do real research?

Men created at the time, and still today, the majority of video games. Their representations of women have always either been non-existent or overly sexualized or even just plain making the character a total ditz and uninspiring to play with or as. It is a male dominated field and it’s marketed with that in mind. Women have made a lot of progress but men are still constantly asking us to qualify our interests, qualify the games we play, and then try to constantly mainsplain things to us that we didn’t ask them to. Then there’s the chat..facing constant harassment day in and day out because some men cannot humanize you is infuriating and saddening. There’s far more to it than your simplistic response and at the base of it all? Misogyny…

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