A pro's frustration with throwers, and the problem with the public attitude.

how do you know who's throwing? just because they die out of position? you gonna permaban xqc for charging into pit 20x a game or throwing on dps when he gets tilted?you gonna ban certain pros for going heros theyre not good at because they dont want to lose on their main hero and ruin their winrate? you gonna give pros a personal crybaby-chatline directly to devs to scapegoat other people and give them more opportunities to lie/ban players they dont like? h1z1/pubg are garbage btw, the big streamers just cry to the devs and waste everyones time. some streamers have schizophrenia and call everyone who kills them a "sniper" or "aimbotter". this would be amplified much worse in OW where people arent used to good-aim players since noaim heros like winston/mercy exist and some pros never learned how to aim. anyways, certain players shouldnt be able talk to devs when others cant. everyone should have equal opportunities to report people to devs. the report system is decent, they just need to throw out the false reports and ban people from contacting blizzard if they submit false reports.

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