Psychologists of reddit what is the most bone chilling thing a patient has said to you?

I had a patient one time that told me about the abuse they suffered from their grandfather and uncle.

Apparently one day, when he was about 6 years old, he was in the car with his uncle driving to the dentist and his uncle just kept driving, straight past the dentist, he told me he already felt something sinister was going on as his uncle had been pretty abusive before this and wasn't a trustworthy guy.

The car kept going and going, y'know those 25 minute trips that feel like 25 hour trips?

Anyway, eventually he stopped in some damp industrial area and gestured the kid to get out of the car, he led him inside this slaughterhouse where his grandad was waiting next to a chest-freezer at the end of the room with a meat cleaver in his hand, after a timid walk to his grandad the freezer was opened and he looked inside, it was skeletal remains in the freezer, skulls, fingers, legs, etc. He asked why they were in the freezer and his grandad said "I'm just keeping them chilled".

Most bone-chilling shit I've ever heard.

/r/AskReddit Thread