What’s something that people turn into their whole personality?

I'm sorry to hear that but I'll be honest here, if USA people stopped obsessing over race, ethnicity and heritage they would have figured it out decades ago like Latin Americans did.

Brazil is a good example, a very multirracial country with the biggest asian population in the continent, plus lots of white, brown and black brazilians, where they figured it out as simply as "no matter the race, ethnicity, heritage... we're all brazilians, our country is Brazil, our culture is brazilian and we all belong to Brazil".

Brazilian is NOT an ethnicity. Latin American is NOT an ethnicity, it's more a regional thing because you can't grab an insanely diverse continent and call it a single ethnicity. Only foreigners who didn't grow up here think that. Latin America is a multirracial multiethnic continent where people already lost track of whichever nationality our ancestors had 100 years ago.

People in USA lack a national identity and it's not because they're a melting pot but because of dentures of segregation and its nothing but their fault. Us foreigners don't have anything to do with their social problems, and if we can't see you as countrymen when you come to our countries it's because we know you didn't grow up here.

Im sorry for being so crude, I know USA people will hate my comment for this but it's just how it is.

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