Pyramides Majores Deos. (Stargate/40k Crossover/Story)

Chapter 1: Magnanimity and Mercy

Ba'al woke suddenly. The darkness was oppressive and omnipresent, enough so that it took him a full minute before he realized he was secured to the wall of the chamber he was in by means he couldn't even perceive. The lighting raised quickly as a door flowed open and one of the skeletal ... things... emerged. It moved with impossible grace for a machine, and it's head turned to fix him with the gaze of a single eye. "Ah, you have awoken. A most interesting specimen. Parasite with complete neural control." The metallic voice was surprisingly mellifluous and if it weren't a machine Ba'al would have guessed it was female.

"I am a god. You will release me or face my unimaginable wrath!" He snarled as his anger took over.

"Funny thing Gods..." The creature walked over and jabbed Ba'al with some sort of probe, "If your science is good enough, they can be broken, killed. But you, you're no god. Merely a sack of meat with a parasite infesting it." It moved away and Ba'al could see a table levitating with all his effects on it, his Hara'kesh was in pieces.

"If you don't release me my fleet will...." Ba'al was cut off.

"Probably run away. I admit, your people are loyal and dedicated much to my Overlords amusement. He contents himself tormenting the communities you've established at night. I don't mind." The creature turned to Ba'al, "Unfortunately for you, my Overlord demanded that I find out as much information as possible on the state of the galaxy and whatever life has claimed it since the great sleep." It picked up the power core of the Hara'kesh. "Crude, but effective."

Ba'al would have doubled back in surprise if he hadn't been so restrained. The Hara'kesh was some of the finest technology the Goa'uld possessed. "And what do you intent to do in order to find out what I know? Talk me to death?"

"Oh no," The creature chuckled, amused, "That biopsy I gave you also injected a mindshackle scarab, I am extremely curious to see how it decides on it's solution, to bind with the fleshy host, or the controlling intelligence. I haven't given it any instructions just to find that out."


Once more Ba'al regained consciousness, though the thirst and hunger plaguing his host suggested it had been some time since he'd last been fed, or watered... he rolled over wincing with pa...

Rolled over?

Ba'al realised he could see the sky. And behind him a Stargate lay dormant, he didn't understand the significance until he saw the figure who had tormented, tortured and studied him stood there. Eye glowing balefully. "My Master thanks you ever so effusively." The creature bowed mockingly. "So much so he decided to spare you, allow you to witness our coming. To be forever gloried in the knowledge that you awoke us from our long slumber."

"Who are you!" Ba'al roared in pain and anger.

"I? I am Amenemsou Harbinger of Transmogrification. Cryptek of the Har-machis Dynasty under the rule of Phaeron Canopus." The creature said turning with a huff as the Stargate engaged instantly, a green event horizon burning into Ba'al's retina. "And you, you are a demonstration of our magnanimity, and a symbol of our... mercy." With that parting word the Cryptek stepped through the event horizon backlit a sickly emerald green. The word resounding in his mind as he stood up and looked at his ruined fle...

Ba'al sat down in horror as he beheld his own arms. They weren't his. Had never been his. But he had enjoyed the pleasures of the host as surely as any Goa'uld and now he realised even that was denied him. The metal moved as surely as flesh and he could feel, but the limbs were not flesh. He tried to disentangle himself from the host and discovered to his horror, his utter, abject horror, that his body his true body, was now bound within the machine.


1 Week Later.

Ba'al had returned to his palace on his own throneworld, though now the word echoed hollowly within his mind. His followers had to be convinced by displays of force how he had ascended even higher. He had realised that the Cryptek had been somewhat literal in his statement that they were both magnanimous and... 'merciful' the last intended as a cruel sarcasm, robbed of his own body and bound to this living metal was it's own hell. The pleasures of the flesh that the Goa'uld had given up the stronger unas hosts in favour of were denied him eternal, he could not enjoy pleasures of the flesh, could never taste another fine wine or feel the touch of a skilled masseuse.

But into his right hand the Cryptek had remade his Hara'kesh to work in conjunction with his new form. And he had discovered in a fit of self-mutilation to try and pry his natural body loose that it could repair damage at a phenomenal rate. He had no doubt it had other functions. He looked around his palace and found himself displeased by the aesthetic his Goa'uld brethren had adopted for themselves even more strongly.

There were changes to make.

/r/40kLore Thread