QT: Would you honestly prefer that we lie to you?

A sense of ethical obligation to struggle until everyone is free from mental and economic bondage, so i can get back to my true passion hugging trees and saving whales. To materially absolve myself of complicity in patriarchy, white supremacism, imperialism, etc.

Idiosyncrasies: i use improper grammar as a way of rejecting classist and racist "rules" of linguistic correctness and propriety. I have fundamental disgreement with any political movement, i think atheism is a religion, i like talking about taboo subjects to the point of exclusivity sometimes. I have extra-unpopular opinions on all of them. Itend to obsessively focus and then hop interests. I have no trust in science as an institution and deeply resent the liberal class and especially academia. Am POC without POC community/acceptance, am male without male community/acceptance, am trans without trans acceptance, am feminist yet deeply conflicted about sex work as it relates to autonomy, feminist misandry, and whether its really best for men to be left to their own devices. I find tactics and strategy to be super novel and fascinating but hate war and culture of dominance.

Sorry but its important in answering you to show how these dialectical patterns are always everywhere in my thinking. I am too adverse to conformity to allow myself to fit or be accepted anywhere, yet id rather write and be read a bit.

Is reddit really my fate in this regard. MEIN GOTT. If so i should never have left IRC.

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