Quake Champions in it's current state is horrific.

About point 6 in particular: You're an idiot. It's nothing like TDM.

In fact, in sacrifice, going for frags has often let me in to situations where my opponents get favorable spawns in such a way that it was detrimental. Like they spawn closer to important items that I can't catch up in time because I wasted time trying to get a frag.

And in tdm, it's actually very feasible to singlehandedly lock down all items and carry a game. But in sac? You just can't. Never mind the bigger maps and more items for a moment, the fact that you have to stand still on the point to steal the soul, means you have to invest time away from items. So sac is way harder to carry in, ime.

I have a game where I had 93/20 k/d in sac and I won by a super slim margin in extended overtime. That wouldn't happen in a tdm. (I know it's FL 75, but you get my point).

And you might say, that this is the perspective from a good player vs pubbers. But I also played premade teams vs premade - and it's just nothing like tdm. Even in premade tdm, there's some room for roaming, but in sac, you have to coordinate for attacks, otherwise you will never steal the ball against a team that all work together to defend their point.

I'm for one glad that they haven't added clan arena and I'm ecstatic that you are not in charge of game development! :timGood:

/r/QuakeChampions Thread